About Us
一九七零年九月,數位愛主的華人基督徒開始佛州大學的中文查經班。每週五晚上,在浸信會學生中心聚會。一則聯繫主內弟兄姊妹查經、禱告、分享,一則傳揚福音給自己的同胞,同學。 聚會人數從起初的十幾人到八十年代末期已增至六、七十人。
一九七九年第一浸信教會開始以華人為主的國際主日學,其中成員都是查經班的弟兄姊妹。 一九八八年十月第一浸信教會提供場所給查經班,在它的副堂開始中文主日崇拜。 次年二月正式成立教會。蒙神的恩典,教會於二零零二年搬進了自建的教堂, 教會的崇拜成人人數也由起初的四十幾人增加到現在的一百多人。
本教會首要的使命之一就是傳福音給來甘城讀書或工作的華人。蒙神的恩典、我們在這個使命裡有收穫。許多基督徒、在接受耶穌基督為他們個人的救主並在教會受洗以後、到了美國其它各地或回到家鄉接續了這項使命、 繼續的傳耶穌基督復活及赦罪的福音。
教會會眾中有大約百份之五的非華人及大約三份之一的第二代華人移民。他們說英文比說中文流利。因此、本教會有一個中英文雙語及雙文化的環境。成人主日崇拜是雙語的。青少年主日崇拜及數個查經班是英語的。 雖然在大部份的時間我們用的語言是中文、英文也是聚會時隨時可用的語言。
在二零零九年,教會的弟兄姊妹慶祝了教會成立二十周年及建堂七周年、除了向神獻上感恩外、並為文以為紀念。 教會也發行了紀念特刊、將榮耀、感恩及頌讚歸與神。
History of Our Church
In September 1970, several Chinese Christians started the Gainesville Chinese Bible Study Group. They met every Friday night at the Baptist Student Center. Not only to fellowship through Bible study, praying, and sharing together with other brothers and sisters in the Lord, but also to share the gospel with the Chinese community. The numbers of people attending the meeting grew from a little over 10 people to 60 to 70 people by 1980s.
In 1979, the First Baptist Church started an international Sunday school, whose members were mainly from the Gainesville Chinese Bible Study Group. In October 1988, Chinese Sunday worship service was started at the chapel of the First Baptist Church. In February 1989, the Gainesville Chinese Christian Church was officially established. By the grace of God, we moved into our own church building in 2002. The number of adults attending the worship service grew from about 40 initially to more than 100 at present.
Our congregation consists of people of all walks of life and of all ages. We are mostly first- and second-generation Chinese immigrants, college students, and graduate students and their families.
One of the missions of the church is to evangelize Chinese who came to Gainesville for school or work. By grace of God, we have been successful in this mission. Many Christians, who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savor and baptized in the church, have carried this mission with them to other parts of the United States and their home countries.
There are about five percent non-Chinese and about one-third second-generation Chinese immigrants who are more fluent in English than Chinese. As such, the church is Chinese-English bilingual and bicultural. The adult worship service is conducted in both Chinese and English whereas the youth worship service as well as several Bible studies are conducted in English. While other meetings are conducted in Chinese, English is used in conversations.
This church has deep roots in Bible study. From a small Bible study forty years ago, this church has grown. Now we have four Bible study groups on Sunday mornings, another six on Friday nights, five fellowships, and a Bible Training Center for Pastors. We are students of the Holy Bible and disciples of Jesus Christ.
In 2009, the church celebrated its 20th anniversary and the 7th aniversary of church building dedication. The church published a commemorative issue that documented witnesses of Gods grace and glory in church history.
我信上帝,全能的父, 創造天地的主。
降在陰間; 第三天從死里復活;
Proclamation of Faith
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, Gods only Son, our Lord;
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary;
suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to the dead; On the third day he rose again;
he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father;
and he will come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit;
the holy catholic church, the communion of saints;
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body;
and the life everlasting. AMEN.
紀念特刊 - commemorative issue